What will you learn on our two day free coaching course?

  • Learn Coaching Fundamentals
  • Understand the difference between Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling and Therapy
  • Practise Coaching Skills
  • Be coached by your peers
  • Observe a coaching demonstration
  • Leave with a series of tools and techniques that will make a significant difference to your own life
  • Discover how Coaching Skills can make a positive and lasting difference to the lives of others
  • Understand how coaching as a business will work for you.

The purpose of the two-days of training is so that you can:

  • Find out what coaching is and what it isn’t
  • Learn a range of useful coaching skills
  • Decide if coaching is right for you or not (it’s not for everybody)
  • Take us for a test drive – see if we are the right training provider for you.

So that we can:

  • Show you who we are and how we do what we do (like a University Open Day)
  • Raise awareness of the Coaching Industry and Coaching as an intervention
  • Decide if you have the potential to be a student of The Coaching Academy or not.


The Coaching Academy di Londra propone questa due giorni di formazione gratuita al coaching, una base su cui poi lavorare e specializzarsi nelle diverse aree: life, manageriale, orientamento, ecc. I corsi si svolgono durante un finesettimana a tempo pieno, e ve ne sono ogni mese.

E’ un’opportunità interessante, e per di più gratuita, di verificare il proprio potenziale se non si è ancora coach, oppure di ampliare il proprio bagaglio se già lo si è. La lingua di lavoro è ovviamente l’inglese, come  la maggioranza dei partecipanti, degli approcci utilizzati, degli esempi che vengono fatti.


foto by Giulia Stazzi
