tempo di lettura 1′

durata del video 50′

Can you identify an interculturally incompetent person, when you meet one? It’s likely that you will provide striking examples from your own other’s experience.

On the other hand, when asked to describe an intercultural competent person, anecdotes won’t perhaps occur to you as quickly.

Explaining in brief what Intercultural Competence mans for you might prove a challenge. Why is this so?

Most definitions of Intercultural Competence (IC) agree that it is more than just knowledge of cultural differences – although knowledge is definitely an important part of it – and also more than a question of attitude – although hertain personality traits may be very helpful. In other words IC is usually seen as a hybrid construct which manifests itself in social interaction.

In other words: what I do and what I say, and how, when and where I do and say it, is what counts.


You may want to watch a Sietar webinar on The missing link: The culture-language connection



Di Rudolf Camerer

Rudi Camerer comes from language testing and, today, directs a language and intercultural consultancy, elc-European Language Competence, Frankfurt/M. & Saarbrücken, Germany. He is the author of a number of publications on the teaching and testing of intercultural competence and, with Judith Mader, co-authored Intercultural Competence in Business English (Cornelsen 2012). Dirige ELC European Language Competence, una società di consulenza linguistica ed interculturale con sede a Francoforte e a Saarbruecken, in Germania. Ha un back ground di valutazione della competenza linguistica. E’ autore di diverse pubblicazioni sulll’insegnamento e la valutazione della competenza interculturale, e con Judith Mader ha scritto “Intercutural Competence in Business Engish” (Cornelsen 2012).